Module Sugar.S.Promise.Infix

val (>>|) : 'a result ‑> ('a ‑> 'b) ‑> 'b result


val (<$>) : ('a ‑> 'b) ‑> 'a result ‑> 'b result

Applicative combinator for map

val (<*>) : ('a ‑> 'b) result ‑> 'a result ‑> 'b result

Applicative combinator for parallel execution of function and operand

val (>>>=) : 'a monad ‑> ('a ‑> 'b monad) ‑> 'b monad

An alias for UserMonad.(>>=)

This combinator provides direct access to the monad used to create this module.

val (>---------) : 'a result ‑> (error ‑> 'a result) ‑> 'a result

"Broom" combinator

This is an alias for the function bind_unless. It provides syntatic sugar to create error handlers in a more intuitive way.

There's a secret message behind the form of this combinator. It has the same number of characters sufficient for the whole block in the next line. For example:

      let program1 () =
        do_something ()
        ( fun e ->
          return ()

      let program2 () =
        do_something ()
        ( function
          e -> return ()
val (>>) : unit result ‑> 'b result Lazy.t ‑> 'b result


val (>>>) : 'a result ‑> 'b result Lazy.t ‑> 'b result
