Module Sugar__.Strict_promise_builder

This module is similar to Sugar.Promise. It lets you create a result monad on top of an arbitrary monad.

The main difference is that the functions in this module were created to recognize unexpected exceptions, and require you to provide some mecanism to recover from that. This is done with the signatures for strict error and strict monad.

An example:

  module MyError = struct
    type t = A | B | Unexpected of exn

    let panic e = Unexpected e

  module MyMonad = struct
    type 'a t = 'a Lwt.t
    let return = Lwt.return
    let (>>=) = Lwt.(>>=)
    let catch = Lwt.catch

  module MyResult = Sugar.Strict.Promise.Make (MyError) (MyMonad)

Notice that the signature for the required strict monad is the same as the Lwt library. That means, you can just plug it in:

    module MyResult = Sugar.Strict.Promise.Make (MyError) (Lwt)
module Make : functor (UserError : Sugar.S.Params.Strict_error) -> functor (UserMonad : Sugar.S.Params.Strict_monad) -> Sugar.S.Strict_promise with type error := UserError.t and type monad := a UserMonad.t and type 'a value = ('aUserError.t) Result.result and type 'a result = ('aUserError.t) Result.result UserMonad.t

A parametric module that implements the monadic interface for values. The complete documentation can be found in Sugar.S.Promise.